Processing of personal data

Our data protection principles and practices are based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Finnish data protection law. We only process personal data for a legitimate purpose and only to the extent and for as long as necessary for the purpose. The data subject has the right to inspect the data concerning them in the register and to request that incorrect or incomplete data be corrected.

We want to be trustworthy when it comes to data protection for our own employees, our customers and our partners. We process our customers’ personal data for the purposes of contracting services, managing customer relationships and implementing services. The processing of personal data is based on a customer relationship, a legitimate interest or consent. When the data are no longer necessary for the purpose, they are destroyed in a secure manner in accordance with the company’s instructions.

You can read more about how we process your personal data in our Privacy Policy.

Rekisteritietojen tarkastuspyyntö

Rekisteritietojen oikaisu, täydennys tai käytön rajoituspyyntö

More information
General Data Protection Regulation of the EU

Contact information

Customer Service +358 (0)800 307 711
Saaristokatu 7, 70620 Kuopio, Finland

Data Protection Officer
Kirsi Happonen

Privacy statements

Palkka- ja henkilötietojärjestelmä Populus

Rekrytointijärjestelmä Laura

Tallentava kameravalvonta Saaristokatu 7

Tallentava kameravalvonta Lounasravintola Hilima

Asiakasrekisteri äidinmaitokeskus

Yhteystietorekisteri täyttöpalvelujen henkilöasiakkaille

KUTI potilas- ja materiaalinkuljetustietojärjestelmä

Microsoft 365 henkilötietojen käsittely

Nasdaq Boardvantage

Sermi asiakasrekisteri

Allekirjoituspalvelu VismaSign
