Materiality assessment

Servica’s dual materiality assessment will be completed during 2024

In autumn 2023, we started a dual materiality assessment in accordance with the EU Sustainability Reporting Directive, i.e. we identified sustainability aspects that are relevant to Servica. We are currently completing a materiality assessment to build Servica’s new sustainability programme during 2024.

The materiality assessment was based on identifying and assessing the impacts of our activities on the environment, people or the economy and administration. For this, we gathered insights from our key stakeholders through interviews.

In the materiality assessment, we examined different sustainability impacts from two perspectives:

  • How do Servica’s operations affect society and the environment?
  • How does society or people affect Servica’s operations? What financial impact can a changing world have on the business?

Our operations affect a wide range of people of all ages and abilities in North Savo. As we provide services that make society run smoothly, we also have an impact on the environment. Food production, for example, requires raw materials and products that have an impact on the environment during production and transportation. Environmental impact also occurs when preparing meals: our own production in kitchens requires energy, which also generates waste.

Changes are happening around us that we cannot control. Changes can also affect our operations in the long term.  Food is an important aspect of our operations, impacted by climate change. Extreme weather events destroy crops and traditional farming methods no longer produce as much as they used to.

Through our materiality assessment, we outlined the future direction of our sustainability work by considering aspects such as those described above. As a result of the assessment, we have identified the most relevant sustainability issues for Servica, where our actions have the greatest impact – and where our own opportunities for impact are the greatest. These issues form the basis for our future sustainability programme and its goals, metrics and measures.

Most of the key sustainability issues we can influence ourselves through sustainable practices. However, sustainable value is not only created through individual actions, but through the solutions that every Servica employee provides on a daily basis at work.